Saturday, August 2, 2014

Gone fishing

Actually riding. Life is good.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Riding is good, fresh wind and following asphalt.

  2. A successful fishing trip to me is a stroll through the seafood section of Ingles. I am no good at the sport. I even kill artificial bate.

  3. Yeah. Riding. Leathers. The open road. And a glass of Chardonnay. For the record, I've never met the man and have no previous association with him. And this happened AFTER he moved down south.

  4. NotClauswitz, heh.

    Coffeepot, me too. But I'm allergic to fish, so there's no immediate reward for me ...

    2cents, it's kevlars, not leathers. Metric bike, which gives me a pass for the Sauvignon. ;-)

  5. So plastic instead of leather. And blanc instead of Chardonnay. Yeah. You're not helping your case here.

  6. Give Nobilis Vinho Verde a shit...
    Tasty stuff.

  7. TBG, I loves me some vinho verde. Great inexpensive light summertime wine.

  8. Whites like that - I always think of the great Plastic Bertrand song from the 80's, "Sauv Blanc Pour Moi!"
    I can't catch fish unless I use dynamite or a hand-grenade, and my bike is metric too - but might require that I fish with a potato-masher.


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