Thursday, July 24, 2014

Worldwide survey: 58% think that climate change is being used as an excuse to raise taxes

Government and Scientific Establishment legitimacy collapses; Mother Gaia and Hippies hardest hit:
People all around the world, responding to a survey by Ipsos MORI, have generally agreed with the ideas that scientists don't really know what they're talking about when it comes to the climate – and that governments are using environmental issues as an excuse to raise taxes.

These not-so-green views were transmitted as part of Ipsos MORI's new Global Trends 2014 survey, which can be seen here. Respondents were asked to respond "agree", "disagree" or "don't know" to various statements.

On balance the people of the world concurred with the statement "even the scientists don't really know what they're talking about on environmental issues", with only 42 per cent disagreeing and 48 per cent agreeing. Disbelief in scientific climate expertise was strongest in China, Japan and Germany. In Britain, the US and Australia, people were less sceptical, with those populations pretty much evenly split as to whether scientists know what they're on about regarding the environment.

The survey respondents also strongly endorsed the idea that "the government is just using environmental issues as an excuse to raise taxes", with 58 per cent in agreement and just 31 per cent disagreeing worldwide.
Americans are not even as skeptical as Europeans.  For once I agree with our Ivy League nobility that we should be more like Europe.

This is  my shocked face.

1 comment:

  1. I am a bit surprised that Spain and Belgium are 1 and 2. It's encouraging it's approaching 2/3, but we have more work to do.


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