Thursday, July 3, 2014

Just doing my part to destroy the environment

No need to thank me, it's all part of being a Full Service blog:
Oh, now this is rich. German greenies calculate that a blog which gets 15,000 hits or more a month (yay! we qualify!) pumps out 8 pounds of carbon dioxide a year.

So what you’re supposed to do is, you write a blog post about this, you put a link to them in the sidebar using their “my blog is carbon neutral” graphic, they plant a tree in your name, it soaks up 11 pounds of CO2, and — violoncello! — your blog IS carbon neutral.

So let’s point out the utterly fucking obvious, shall we? There is no relationship between blogs and trees. Nobody is waiting around for a pingback before they go stick a spruce in the ground. This is an ongoing reforestation program (by the Arbor Day Foundation in the Plumas National Forest. In California) and these German greenie-weenies have just latched onto to display, once again, their weak (or dishonest) grasp of cause-and-effect.
But mockery is too delicious to pass up, so this blog will proudly wear a new badge:

Now if y'all will excuse me, I'm going to go cut down a tree ...


  1. Belches Carbon and Pisses Excellence.......

  2. ....can't... stop... laughing... :-D :-D :-D

    OMG, you REALLY need to put that icon at the top of the page!!!

  3. to get full effect you need to burn the tree too.

    I prefer to burn mine in a smoker box with a large hunk of cow, brisket is about the right size.

  4. Never fear, Al Gore will fly somewhere this week and burn more carbon in a day than we will us in our lives.

  5. I love to cut down the trees in my yard. I use an electric chain saw to keep the polution created "Some Place Else" [Duke Energy Power Generation Facility]. Then, so's not to let Duke have all the fun, we burn the trees in a big bon-fire, with marshmallows and s'mores to give the grand kids sugar rushes, so they too can expend carbon dioxide.

    Rich in NC

  6. Can I steal that badge for my blog?

  7. urp...snork...pretty durned funny!


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