Thursday, June 12, 2014

Greenpeace celebrates shutting down zero emission, renewable power

The mask slips:
Greenpeace activists are celebrating today, after their protests led to the halting of plans to build a massive renewable powerplant which would have supplied clean, green, low-carbon electricity in huge quantities.

"Today, we celebrate," Greenpeace chief Matías Asún told reporters, following a decision to withdraw government permission for the Hidroaysén project. The project would have generated as much as 18,430 gigawatt-hours annually - roughly six times as much as the huge offshore London Array windfarm planned for the Thames Estuary.


“The big winners here are the environmentalists but the big losers are the consumers,” Chilean Senator Iván Moreira told press including the Santiago Times following the government’s decision on Tuesday. “Currently there are few energy projects in the country so electricity costs will rise and these will affect ordinary people most.”
It seems like that's the point, or something.  You know, I'll start taking this whole CO2 climate change thing more seriously when they do ...


  1. Greenpeace are like seagulls, come in shit all over everything and leave, the locals get to clean it up AND pay for it...

  2. I swear, these loonie greenie-weenies want us back in the stone age!

  3. Why do they hate poor, brown people so much?

    (Isn't that what they'd say about us?)

  4. drjim: I think they want -us- gone. Humans are too good at mucking up their nice clean Earth.

    I'm sure the original anaerobic microbes on Earth felt the same way about those filthy oxygen-producing organisms.

  5. Actually, Greenpeace is (for bloody once) being logically consistent.

    Hydro dams are absolutely DEVASTATING to the ecosystems that end up getting flooded -- including the riverine ecosystems.

    So, opposing hydro power (other than tidal or impellers in major rivers) fits exactly with their stated goals of preserving the environment.

    Of course, the fact that this allows them to put a choke collar on any expansion of teh economy there also fits their unstated goals of a Luddite wasteland with a Malthusian die off of Homo sapiens (except selected "properly green" populations and the serf class to support them).

    If Greenpeace was truly worried primarily about teh environment, they'd be pushing for expanded nuclear power to replace production of power from hydrocarbon, hydrological, wind, and solar power in all cases possible.


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