Saturday, May 10, 2014

Progressivism is the Scientology of political philosophies

This hashtag idiocy got me to thinking: why would nominally intelligent (if not well educated, at least credentialed by the Ivy League) people do something so publicly that is so empty of any hope of positive result?

The idea struck that these Hollywood people aren't used to actually doing anything.  They read other people's lines while standing in front of a camera.  That's their job.  And so it likely felt natural to put some words in front of a camera.  It's an easy gesture that is intended to make themselves feel good about themselves, without having to do anything actually difficult.  Without having to challenge their own too-easy and too-comfortable ideas about themselves.  Without having to grapple with real challenges, whether mental or geopolitical.

It's the Scientology of political philosophy.  Just repeat what you are supposed to, pay your money, and you'll be one of the insiders.  Easy peasy.  None of that challenging "give things up for Lent", or that mentally challenging Day of Atonement stuff - that's hard work, work that can make you uncomfortable.  Easier to be a leader with a trending hashtag.


  1. So true.... Empty vessels....

  2. Well said... Trained monkeys...

  3. It's important they know how to use social media...

    Yeah, right


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