Monday, April 7, 2014

States most likely to survive a Zombie outbreak

Man, Georgia isn't looking too good.

Hat tip: PMHenick via email.


  1. Although I question the veracity of this graphic - I get a little joy out of seeing NY, DC, and NJ at the bottom of the list.

  2. Dangit! He sent that to me too, and I forgot to post it this weekend.

  3. Woo, 3rd place! And in a nearly obsessively Republican/Gunny/Self Reliant valley with high mountains and steep cliffs all around (and basically only two entrances), that would be easy to barricade. And my friend the history major has already plotted out where he would put the artillery emplacements. Made in the shade!

  4. 10th for WI? Not bad, I'd say that's about right. Hunting might as well be the state sport, the only real problems for infestation are the heavily left-leaning major cities of Milwaukee and Madison. I went to UW Madison a while, while I was there I think I tripled the entire city's collective survival instinct (at least in the vicinity of campus).

  5. I have to believe NYC is tilting the odds against us. Up in this part of the state the incidence of firearms, survival skills, and general redneckery should help us survive better than our down state cousins. Although by the time the population there has turned, they're going to come out of there hungry enough to eat the rest of us on the way to Toronto.

  6. I'm loving Alaska's place at the top. Guns in Alaska are like drugs in California: everybody's got some. :)

  7. I find myself wondering how they assessed Knowledge of Zombies. Man on the street interviews? LOL. #4, not so bad - makes up for being at the bottom of most progressive lists.

  8. Parts of OH possibly...I am close to a border so I have a bunker in WV...or is it in PA???


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