Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Undiscovered Country, from whose bourn no traveler returns

Dad died 3 years ago today.

R.I.P., Dad.


  1. I mourn with you BP. May the memories of good times with your Dad always comfort you.

  2. I'm so sorry. May God grant you peace and a relief of your pain.

  3. RIP sir. Your son is carrying on the traditions you taught!

  4. A moving post, very much on the Level.

  5. One regret when I was at State U was that I did not take a class from your Dad.
    But I have several of his books now, and I read his son's blog.
    I am sure he would be proud of you, and that is the best thing a son can do.
    You honor his memory every day.

  6. libertyman, I think that's the nicest comment anyone ever left here.

  7. R.I.P., sir. You are clearly missed.

  8. I second libertyman's and Old NFO's remarks.

    I'm sorry for your loss, Borepatch. Such is a pain that never fully heals, and at times cuts like a Randall knife. I know, all too well.

  9. Sorry BP- I know what it's like. I miss my dad too- he still dominates the conversation whenever I'm together with my family.

  10. I'm sorry for your loss.


  11. I'm so sorry for your loss. Small words for such a big void left in your life. Thoughts and prayers to you.

  12. My Dad has been gone for 17 years - and I still miss him terribly. I miss him not being able to share the joys and sorrows, the memories of the past, the new discoveries. I miss his voice and his wisdom. And I miss his hugs. The pain of his loss eases but the ache remains.


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