Friday, March 21, 2014

"Common Sense" Gun Control breaks out in Georgia

Moms Demand Action hurt the most:
This bill was actually called “the most extreme gun bill in the country” by Mom’s Demand Action and other anti-gun groups, so you know it has to be good.


Tonight, literally in the 11th hour (GA’s legislative session ends for the year at midnight), the Georgia legislature passed HB60. The bill ended up with some compromises in it, but will expand the number of places Georgians can legally carry their firearms, legalize suppressors for hunting and cleans up/strengthens several other components of Georgia’s gun laws.


The bill will now go to Governor Nathan Deal, who can either sign it immediately, veto it, or do nothing, in which case the bill will become law after 40 days.
Deal is up for re-election and is moderately unpopular; vetoing this will kill his chances, so I expect him to either sign it or most likely do nothing (i.e. the law goes into force in May).

RTWT for the list of everything that passed, but it includes CCW in bars and Churches and provides an absolute defense for the use of lethal force when violently attacked.

What is it that is best?  To crush your enemy's ideology, to see his laws driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of his Professors.  Drink deep of the sweet, sweet tears of the gun banners.


  1. I know someone who was raped in public housing and was then told she would be evicted if she got a gun to defend herself. I am so glad this passed.

  2. For me this bill is the opposite of what it was passed in Colorado. But it was not hidden or created under "emergency" rules and actually has the support of the majority.

    Georgia gave Gun Control a black eye.

  3. Forgive me for stealing the line, but...

    For the first time (in a long time) in my adult life I am proud of my state..

    I hope they keep up the good work.

  4. I really like the changes in the law to promote the use of suppressors. Frankly, my opinion is that a law mandating the use of suppressors is far better than one largely outlawing them.

  5. Long overdue, too bad they watered it down by taking out the college campus provision.


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