Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Am I hot or not?

The 103° fever seemed to break between 1:00 and 7:00 today, but is back now.  I slept all morning, and the fever dream included the Nurse from Anamaniacs telling me to skip the saddle bags and go for a waterproof duffel.

She was strangely convincing.  Maybe something like this?  Seems good for a weekend trip.

Wonder who's going to show up tonight to help me plan the bike upgrades ....


  1. Heh heh heh... aren't fever dreams fun?

    I gave up on panniers on my bike. They tended to attract bees and spiders. (I don't have a garage to park in.) A decent duffel with quick release mounts would serve just as well, and could be removed and taken indoors more easily. In fact, I might look into one for myself. If you see Hello Nurse again, tell her I said thanks.

  2. Hellllllloooooo NURSE!

    (Sorry have nothing helpful to contribute. I guess I put a cargo rack on my bicycle one time...)

  3. deadmandance beat me to it. Had to be said and all. Heeelllllooo Nurse!

  4. Hope you get better soon! There's RIDING to do!!!

  5. Get well soon.

    My kids still laugh at me for the weird hallucinations I had when a fever went over 104.

    Ice bags on your neck, in your armpits, and crotch are uncomfortable, but they'll bring your temperature down.

  6. I have two of the smallish Ortlib bags (smaller than pictured). Very nice. Mine sit on top of the Jesse hard luggage, for when I need to cary WAY TO MUCH.

    Good bags. I was also told by some folks in South Dakota that they could see me from a LONG way back because of those bags. I like the roll top closure that is the full length of the bag as opposed to the end fed bags. I think the end fed bags are perhaps more space efficient thought. Zippers suck.


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