Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Rubbing is racing

I've turned into a huge Snowboard Cross fan.  Not only do you have the excitement of all the racers on the slopes at the same time, you have the added excitement of how wipe outs take out not just the wipeout-er, but the wipeout-ee,  One of the races yesterday at Sochi saw one guy fall taking out not just himself, but three other racers.

In other words, in a race that placed three, only two were left standing.  Awesome.  Reminds me of NASCAR, only snowy and wheel-less.  Waitin' for a crash ...

Cool.  I shall watch this with keen interest, in future.


  1. As if they don't already have enough problems... Getting run over/taken out by a competitor is added to the mix...LOL

  2. Speed skating is almost as much fun. Last week in one of the men's events a skater wiped out on the last lap, taking 3 or 4 others out with him in the final turn. But you don't get to see the wreckage tumbling down the slope afterwards like you do in snowboarding.

  3. fiery explosions...

  4. There's also ski cross too. That gets pretty wild too.

  5. The short track skating is similar. They are all out there shooting around and if someone goes down he may well take others with him. As someone else mentioned there is also ski cross. Same type of race.

    I had to laugh the other day when the announcer doing the curling stated yapping about one of the curlers having fallen in a previous match and how "they can be seriously injured". I realize it is possible but... comeon.

    Fun stuff to watch but the NBC Olympics coverage just flat out sucks, IMHO. Way too much "human interest" nonsense. Show the events!

    I had


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