Sunday, February 16, 2014

New Army training facility looks like America


The US army has built a fake city designed to be used during combat training exercises.
The 300 acre 'town' includes a five story embassy, a bank, a school, an underground subway and train station, a mosque, a football stadium, and a helicopter landing zone.
Located in Virginia, the realistic subway station comes complete with subway carriages and the train station has real train carriages.
The subway carriages even carry the same logo as the carriages in Washington DC
Now I wonder who they think is the enemy in those training scenarios ...


  1. As much as I want to believe that everything is going to be alright, I know in the back of my mind that it isn't...

  2. To be fair, it is resembling DC...

  3. During the Vietnam War there were training facilities that resembled Viet villages. There was a reason for that. And for this ..........

  4. I may or may not have a problem with it looking like DC.
    Is it a defender's training facility or an attacker's?

  5. I can't see how this turns out well.

  6. Yeah, going STRAIGHT down the rabbit hole... sigh

  7. And that "mosque" in the picture sure looks like what most folks call a "church"

  8. This story isn't sourced. Where did it come from?

  9. @who+dares+wings, it's from the London Daily Telegraph. The link is in my post. Where they get the information from is perhaps anyone's guess, but they have quotes from the DoD.

  10. Cue the "the military won't shoot it out with the American people" arguments.

    Except that from the Whiskey Rebellion, to Harper's Ferry, to the Civil War, to the miner's strikes in Colorado to the civil rights movement, they have done exactly that, every time they've been called to do so.


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