Sunday, February 23, 2014

Butt-hurt anti-gun Police Chief is butt-hurt

The 9th Circuit actually strikes down a California gun ban law:
Last week, a 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals three-judge panel struck down San Diego County’s approach to issuing concealed-carry gun permits, in a case that has statewide and even national implications. Critics of the decision, such as San Diego Police Chief Bill Lansdowne and gun-control activists, argued that allowing more people to carry guns outside their homes increases dangers to the public.
Yeah, I know I'm late posting on this topic.  Everyone else was doing a such a great job of mocking the mockable that I didn't really have anything to add.  Until now.  "San Diego Police Chief Bill Lansdowne" - does that ring a bell?  Why yes indeed:
San Diego Police Chief, William Lansdowne said in an interview that the implementation of new gun laws will take guns off the streets of America within a generation.

According to San Diego 6, Lansdowne said that it may take a generation but guns will eventually be taken off the streets through new laws like Senator Dianne Feinstein’s proposed assault weapons ban:

“Chief Lansdowne, who plays an active role in the western region of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) association, said it may take a generation but guns will eventually be taken off the streets through new laws like Senator Diane Feinstein’s proposed assault weapons ban legislation. Some of the items his organization is addressing include; a ban on assault weapons, restricting high-capacity magazines, closing loopholes that allow firearm sales between private owners without background checks, and implementing much stricter background checks by using a comprehensive database.”
Awww, the 9th Circuit made Chief Bill "All Your Guns Belong To Us" Lansdowne into a sad panda.

It's not often you get to drink a cocktail of hippie tears mixed with Police Chief tears, but it's shadenfreudalistic!


  1. It's best to understand that "gun-control" laws are not gun elimination laws. No one is suggesting that we get rid of all the guns. They are suggesting that we should disarm most of the population and concentrate the guns in the hands of a small subset of the population. Since that subset has uniforms, we call them special.

    We should do this because it has worked so well in other places.

  2. "No one is suggesting that we get rid of all the guns."

    Eh, give them time. They'll get around to it eventually.

  3. No, no -- he will insist that he and his officers retain their weapons 24/7 -- so obviously, he doesn't want to get rid of all the guns.

    Just ours.


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