Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Irony is a bitch

People mostly ignore the professional Environmental movement as a major catalyst for globalization and off-shoring manufacturing.  While it would be nice to think that they aren't as shallow as "pollution out of sight, pollution out of mind" they very well may be exactly that.

So after sacrificing millions of good paying manufacturing jobs to reduce pollution in the USA, what do we see?  Asian pollution making our air quality worse:

Well done Greens - people out of work, poverty up, income inequality up, pollution up.  That's a four bagger, right there.  But well done on a perfectly executed class war, you SWPLs.


  1. This map explains why Japanese folks wear little masks when outdoors...


  2. It doesn't explain, however, why they think those masks are accomplishing a damn thing...

    I thought that it was more or less accepted that the NIMBY portion of the green movement have succeeded only in moving industry away from countries with pollution controls and requirements, and to countries that have none.

    A blue jeans manufacturer in the states would be allowed to create zero industrial runoff. The same blue jeans manufacturer in China has dyed an entire river blue, permanently.

    But the greenies still FEEEEEL good about themselves, which is all that matters to them. They don't have to see it, so it no longer stimulates their amygdala, and the problem is solved.

    There is no rational thought going on here, Borepatch. It's just FEEEELING, and perception, and the concept that if you can't see it, it isn't happening.

    The real losers here are the people that have allowed these infantile idiots to drive domestic policy, instead of telling them to shut up while the adults, not motivated by lizard brain appeasement, actually solve the problems.

  3. I've never understood why it's Bad for us to develop our own resources because of environmental risks but Good for little brown/yellow folks to take the risks for us.

    Wait. Never mind. I actually do understand.

  4. Oh, you missed an additional feature: It is all offshore, so we have no control what so ever over the poluters. Just a little bonus, that.

  5. How apropos that Washington, Oregon and California are getting the worst of it.
    Is it wrong that this brought a smile to my face?


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