Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Duck Dynasty affair is a disaster for the Gay Rights movement

The more I think about this, the more it seems that the Gay Rights movement has damaged itself very badly here.  The success they've had over the last two decades has been to convince people that gays aren't "coming to get them", that they don't want special rights, that really they only want what everyone should be able to get - the right to choose their own soul mate.  The success of the movement has been in its ability to reach out and connect with Americans' sense of fairness.

I think that has taken a big hit with the suspension of Duck Dynasty's Robinson.  It looks very much like gays are indeed coming to "get him" (and by implication, people like him - which is a pretty big portion of the population).  It looks very much like they do indeed want special rights (the right to never be offended, a right that they absolutely do not grant to Christian rednecks in Fly Over country).  It looks very much like they reject that same sense of fairness that has led to the success of their movement, at least when fairness is called upon from them.

Of course I'm talking about the movement and its leaders, not individuals.  But the damage has been done and will likely take some time for us to understand just how much of an impact it had.

Goober left a comment to yesterday's post that really sums things us:
It is one of three things, as far as I can see:

1.) The worst case of narcissism I've ever seen - literally being totally unable to accept the fact that anyone could possibly ever disagree with you, and seeing it as a personal attack and an affront if they do;

2.) The worst case of low self-esteem I've ever seen - a self-loathing so full and complete that the person possessing it is literally incapable of dealing with any disagreement or criticism without melting down into a steaming pile;

3.) A supremacist movement - a group of people that think that they are better than everyone else, and should have the right to crush or destroy any dissent to their message, whatsoever.

My guess is that in a group so broad and varied as the homosexual community, it is some of all three, adding up to create the most childish and silly backlash against the opinions of a public figure ever. If I were gay, I'd be ashamed of this, and work to distance myself from it as much as possible.

Alec Baldwin, however, continues to get a pass, it seems, for actually, you know, spouting hateful rhetoric (because he is a coastal elite, and therefore part of the "in" crowd) while Phil Robertson gets assaulted for stating his opinion in a non-hateful manner, qualified to make sure no one mistook what he said as being hate, and also qualified to ensure that everyone knew it was just his opinion.

I would note that there is a large segment of the homosexual population that sees this in the same way I do, and are angry that they're being dragged along into this childish tantrum.
Those gays who are angry at the leadership of the movement have a responsibility to take some sort of action to protest.  If not, the rest of the country will see that lack of action as choosing which side to support.  That's very unfortunate, but is unavoidable.


  1. But if any individual gays disagree with the "official" party line, they will be attacked as not being "really gay", just as people like Clarence Thomas, Walter Williams, and Thomas Sowell are not "really black".

  2. "It looks very much like they do indeed want special rights (the right to never be offended..."

    Was it Clint Eastwood that noted we are becoming a society full of "sissies" or something like that?

    I can only imagine how depressed and/or stressed my life would be if I got so offended every time someone made a derogatory comment about Catholics, or called me fat, or insulted me in some other way because of who I am or what I believe.

    People hear what they want to hear. Those who are extremely offended by Phil's remarks want to be offended. They want something to get upset about, someone to be angry at.

    Just the same way that people in the gay community hear Pope Francis say he is "pro gay" even though he never said any such thing and his views don't differ from Church teachings.

    I don't agree with much of what Phil said, but I don't see hateful speech in there. In my opinion the whole thing was a trap to begin with. The person who interviewed Phil asked him those questions specifically to stir up a controversy - and some leaders of the gay community bought it hook, line, and sinker...

  3. You need to look at Canada where we are a little further down on this slope than you Yanks are.

    We started out the same way you did, wanting to make sure the gays got a fair shake. They got gay marriage, it became law that they not be discriminated against or unlawfully harassed - and the few rational queers out there were happy and were never heard from again.

    But the rest of them were just getting started. We are talking about the irrational topless floppy titted lesbians that appear at the pride parades, and the disturbed diaper clad shrieking faggots that wave rubber dildos around. These types went hog wild - and once they had the run of their bedrooms, they wanted full access to the courtrooms, the public washrooms, and the children's classrooms. Their liberal enablers went along with them and pushed the gay agenda every step of the way.

    Full scale attacks on the church began in earnest. They sued and won against preachers, against stand up comics, and against guys on the street. The liberals even set up what were basically kangaroo courts called the Canadian Human Rights Councils. They would see an entry like yours, BP - and deem it 'offensive' and you would be fined. For awhile their decisions carried the full weight of the law. Many Canadians that had stood by the queers were now sorry they did so.

    Some very brave men like Ezra Levant and Mark Steyn came into the fray and told the HRC's to shove their kangaroo courts...and the liberal lickspittles in the judiciary could finally hear the hammers being cocked, and the safeties coming off.

    Levant and Steyn won their cases against the HRC's to a limited extent. The law was changed to prevent them from rendering legal decisions - but they still exist, and we still have some truly asinine 'hate laws' that can be used against men exactly like you, BP.

    The gays are no friends of freedom and liberty, and they are more than willing to be the useful fools of men that aren't fit to shine shoes.

    Libertarians would be well advised to take a good hard look at the people they are getting into bed with. These people aren't going to tell you where they are going...and they will push their agenda slowly and incrementally. I would advise you to start fighting this crap NOW or you will be in the same boat we are - walking on egg shells around some disturbed people with train wrecks for lives - who want to spread and share their misery with as many people as possible - preferably conservatives, Catholics and libertarians.

  4. Choosing which side to support...not unlike the supposed 'moderate Muslims' we never hear criticizing Islamists.

  5. 2.) The worst case of low self-esteem I've ever seen - a self-loathing so full and complete that the person possessing it is literally incapable of dealing with any disagreement or criticism without melting down into a steaming pile;

    A few friends have shared a blog post on facebook that was written by a youth pastor. He ended by saying the debate is over, the actual meaning of Paul's letter to the Corinthians doesn't matter, if you have a negative opinion of homosexuality just keep it to yourself because gay teens are committing suicide.

    It occurs to me that if "shut up" is part of your argument, even you know that your position can't be carried on merit.

  6. Well I'm not sure how much damage has been done, as the coastal elites as Goober puts it will make sure with their media allies that no long term damage is done, See ObamaCare. (Yes I hope that I'm wrong.)

    I think though this will not necessarily damage the Gay Movement, as it is a overall shock wave though the whole progressive movement. I think with attacks like these that affect arguably more Americans than say gun rights they can see Progressive-ism as what it is, just that Progressive encroachment or movement. No compromise, no settling in a nice half way each way its going to be eventually full Monte. I think that could be the damage that could if things go the way Borepatch hopes strip away another piece of plywood to expose the whole rotten frame of what current liberalism/progressive-ism really is. And by that I mean its not a compromise and a go along get along with everyone we just want the same as you. No, its exposing the Hippocratic nature that it's not about equality but its about superiority. Who gets to control who's lives and thought processes.
    It ties in to what the Dear Leader said in an election cycle, its about revenge as well. Voting is the best revenge, and we see exactly that. They want revenge for their way not being imposed until now. That is going to be the damage that's done if this continues to play out.

    I think it also starts to really illustrate the big thing we are seeing in this in my opinion, Cowardice. These Cowards only attack one or two religions, but Islam is given a pass even though arguably in most nations Islam has the most hate and persecution to gay people. We don't see protests lined up for what happens in Iran, for example. We don't see when someone of the nation of Islam criticizes the Gay Rights Movement being called out. They call out those that will not react or actually you know, harm them.
    Goober points out that Alex Baldwin (Who was canned for low show ratings, not because of anything he ever said.) can say whatever he wants and there is no media outrage or calls for boycotts, we had Martain Bashir or whatever his name was saying Sarah Palin should have someone defecate in her mouth but that is okay and not criticized to speak of. Right now I Think that it will take a few more of these incidents happening before any movements are crippled due to the fact the Media controls every message out there.

    Oh, by the way while all the proverbial feathers are ruffled over this Duck Dynasty thing how much attention has been paid to Obamacare in the mean time?

  7. Chris, remember feminists saying that Sarah Palin (mother of 5) wasn't a "real woman"?

    Matt W, I don't think that this happened by accident. A new dog will seek out the biggest dog in the pack to take down. This will intimidate all of the others.

    Glen, yes Canada has shown itself to be no friend of free speech (Mark Steyn's episode before the Speech Commissars is a glaring but by no means solitary example).

    Dan, exactly. If the prevailing mood shifts from "be fair" to "choose sides" then things will not go well for the gay community.

    Jester, I'm not at all sure about this. The level of trust in the media has never been lower, and it's effectively zero in flyover country. And the 15 million viewers of that show sure as heck know what happened. That's 5% of the entire population; 10% of flyover country.

  8. Actually, Canada IS for free speech, BP. The gays and the liberals are not. In fact, they have shown themselves to be downright hostile to rights and freedoms.

    The hell of it is that once these insidious laws are passed - getting rid of them gets very, very difficult.

    It is one of many issues that is polarizing Canada and will shortly do the same to you. If my crystal ball is correct, you will shortly be asking yourself this "Do I, as a libertarian, support the gay community that wants to tell me what I can read, what I can say and what I can think?'

    They ARE coming for you BP. This is just the preliminary test balloon.

  9. Borepatch,

    While the polled trust in the Media may not have been lower, one could say the same thing of Congress, yet the same people are elected and reelected over and over to instill the same failed policies that are so unpopular. I live in the Twin Cites of Minnesota and while its a very blue test copy the people here do trust the media. They think that any and all critism of it is lies by the right. Even here in flyover country (And having lived most my life in Wisconsin where the blue havens of Madison, Milwaukee, and a few others tend to control things not unlike Chicago does for Illinois..) the coastal elites and their style of politics hold the major population hubs hostage. Don't forget that many of the areas of flyover country are going to vote democrat because their entire family has done so since and before the Great Depression. By your numbers 5% of the entire population; 10% of flyover country that shows there will be little to no impact. Most of the viewers of this show already either don't agree with the Progressive style agenda and/or agree with Phil. You won't get much of a voting bump with this, and these people already think that the Media has sold out, and that their ideals are under attack. This will have zero affect on anything for the long term future unless something else comes up very soon.
    I do agree this will start to damage and corrode the movement or at least really expose for anyone -willing- to look what it is really about.

    The problem is as I've pointed out in the past that most people do not appear to be willing to see what is there, piss on me and tell me it's raining and it's good enough for me is the prevailing attitude right now. I hope it changes but as it stands I see no huge impact with out another catalyst or event.

  10. It's about time the 'attack dogs' on the left get taken to task for their BS... I for one am ignoring all of the PC crap. Tired of it, and not putting up with it anymore...

  11. It's all being driven by the Frankfurt school of cultural Marxism, if you can not get the plebs to rise up and forment the revolution by themselves then you have to destroy the society in which they live. You do this by destroying the Church, feminize society, promote gay rights, political correctness, pedophilia, feminism and race replacement with client peoples who will be more amenable to your goals through welfare dependcy. One other thing they encourage is corruption in politics and business. The realized it was going to be a long march through the institutions to accomplish this but they are nearly there. Where moral corruption and financial will bring the system down under it's own bloated filthy stinking weight.
    In the ensuing chaos they hope to rebuild society in a Marxist mold the only plus is during what will be the normalization of society stage they will shoot a lot of the above useful idiots who helped bring everything down.
    Don't believe me check them out it explains everything that has happened in the last 70 to 80 years. The left is working to a very clear plan and have for a long long while in multiple Western countries.


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