Friday, December 20, 2013

The aching growing of the Progressive Left

When a child first catches adults out -- when it first walks into his grave little head that adults do not always have divine intelligence, that their judgments are not always wise, their thinking true, their sentences just -- his world falls into panic desolation. The gods are fallen and all safety gone. And there is one sure thing about the fall of gods: they do not fall a little; they crash and shatter or sink deeply into green muck. It is a tedious job to build them up again; they never quite shine. And the child's world is never quite whole again. It is an aching kind of growing.
- John Steinbeck, East Of Eden


  1. But the left never learns from its multiple (!) awakenings. It continues to act like a child: pretending that the truth was never spoken, that what it was told was never said, and that the rainbows and unicorns will someday come to save it from ever having to deal with the real world.

    And, when it discovers that its current leaders are human after all, and that they have failed to make the "dreams of sugar plum fairies" into reality, they regress back into children and look for someone to make those "I can save you from everything" promises again. "Make it all go away, mommy".

    No, I don't expect this cycle to change. Witness the left's move to draft HRH into the presidency, as if she - and only she - can bring back their "golden age". They don't want to know that HRH has screwed up EVERYTHING she's been involved with. They just want HRH to put her hand on their collective shoulder and say "There, there, it's all going to be ok", while ignoring the oncoming storm that will tear their house to shreds.

    And the worst of this is that the typical non-"flyover country" voter, the ones living in CaliChiBosNewDC, WANT to be hypnotized by dreams rather than deal with reality.

    After all, who wants to wake up from a wonderful dream?

    Unfortunately, the dream is quickly turning into a nightmare for everyone - including the left.

    We're already moving down that slippery slide in all the ways that matter: culturally (witness the Duck Dynasty backlash from the left), economically (does anyone really think we can repay the national debt - ever?), morally ("twerking" is now publicly acceptable behavior), etc.

    The only question left is whether we can slow down the speed with which we reach bottom.

  2. Borepatch, The problem is I don't think people ever become aware enough to notice what's going on around them. Every once in a while we see people wake up, I think you have mentioned you started to see the problems out there. Sometimes people wake or take notice of what is happening.

    The problem will be is do people want to wake up. You think that people will wake up about the progressives over the Obamacare thing.

    I think if the people are not awake by now they never will be on the issue, after all did the Dear Leader just not take an Imperial move against the very law he sponsored and delayed another part of it?
    He in effect is saying to America that some of you are more equal than the rest.

    I hope people do wake up. I suspect we will see small percentages doing that until they are appeased by another delay.


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