Friday, September 6, 2013

Update about Mom

When she visited in February, she would get very confused in the evenings. I was a little apprehensive when I came out here, ready to deal with more of the same.

I haven't had to. She's been fine. I expect that it's having people make sure that she eats and takes medication for the last six months.

Hopefully Younger Brother will provide that, and being in her own home will make her happier. She found a box in the garage, a
Box filled with letters of congratulation she received when she got married. That's not something she could do in the assisted living home.

It's only been two days, but things are better than I had feared. Now if I can just get the rest of the To Do list done before I leave.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. I'm glad to hear she's doing better, and hope the new living arrangements work out to everyone's satisfaction.

  2. i wonder if she was starting to experience Sundowning?

  3. Someone making sure they are eating meals is VERY important for the elderly. My F-I-L and his companion were nearly starving themselves to death. Despite regular, nearly daily, visits. The visits, while frequent, were brief and until it became obvious the situation was not recognized. They'd become afraid to go out to the market due to muggings in the area.

    The less they eat the more confused they become and the less they eat. And weakened. People tend to grow thin and eat less as they age but eating next to nothing is clearly a problem.

  4. I'm glad to see this going well. Ya'll are doing a good thing here.

  5. That's good news! And good luck with the chores...

  6. Man, just had my elderly parents arrive 6 hours late at my son's wedding. (made it to the ceremony, missed the Groom's Dinner by 4 hours). Wandering around detours until the highway patrol helped out.
    My brother in the back seat probably tried to do his best, but old folks be stubborn.
    Hard on all concerned.
    Doubt my dad will ever travel again.


    A good day with your mom at this stage of life is a gift.


  7. Fluids - dehydration makes for confusion.

    Also - in her own house she may do much better. Strange surroundings are confusing. My nearly 100 yr old grandmother was quite fine in her own house, but would get very confused when she visited.

  8. Good luck with it, Ted. Treasure her while you still have her. Yesterday would have been my mom's 90th birthday, and I still miss her.

  9. To-do list? You did the most important one already.

  10. To-do list? You did the most important one already.


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