Tuesday, September 3, 2013

One of pleasures of travel

Is meeting people. Thanks to Mr. Gore's most excellent Information Superhighway, I met up with frequent commenter and pistol grip maker extraordinaire Instinct. I can neither confirm nor deny that we went to the super secret off-site Squirrel Report studios.

Classified info, dontcha know.

It was an evening of fun, conversation, and camraderie with another member of my tribe; one who I met through the magic of the Internet.

Plus he agreed to make me a set of sweet olive wood grips for my 1911. Plus I got to meet the lovely Mrs. Instinct and their two absolutely adorable children. Made me think back on when my kids were that age. Good times.

Thanks to Instinct for meeting up.


  1. Had a great time and I already have the slab of wood set aside for some grips. Good grain pattern and colors. :)

    Now all we have to do is get you and your clan to move out this way... :D

    Fried pickles.... Mmmmmmm.

  2. Olive wood is a lovely wood, I wish more gun grip makers and knifemakers would use it. It smells great when you work it, too, just like olives.

  3. Yep. I'm pretty much in love with the stuff and have more of it on order. Making some revolver grips for my wife out of it and another 1911 set of thin grips for my dad

  4. Dang, I was there last year and didn't know that was his home 20... sigh...

  5. Well, NFO, hit me up if you swing back around this way.


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