Monday, September 30, 2013

New proxy study: no global warming seen

And by "no" I mean none at all:
There's interesting news on the climate beat this week, especially given the background of the just-released IPCC AR5 report - which blames humanity for warming the planet. A new, comprehensive study examining temperatures in the Eastern Mediterranean region over the last 900 years indicates that global warming and associated climate changes actually haven't happened there at all.


According to a Helmholtz Centre announcement highlighting Dr Heinrich's latest research:
For the first time a long temperature reconstruction on the basis of stable carbon isotopes in tree rings has been achieved for the eastern Mediterranean. An exactly dated time series of almost 900 year length was established, exhibiting the medieval warm period, the little ice age between the 16th and 19th century as well as the transition into the modern warm phase ... [however] the modern warming trend cannot be found in the new chronology.
Heinrich and his colleagues write:
The twentieth century warming trend found elsewhere could not be identified in our proxy record, nor was it found in the corresponding meteorological data used for our study.
This isn't the first time that this has happened.  Given the very strange manipulation of the historical thermometer record, and the very poor siting of weather stations (leading to the vast majority reporting overly warm data), it's entirely possible that there is no warming going on.

Which, by the way, would dovetail very well indeed with the current solar cycle sunspot drought.

The more you look into the data behind the climate science debate, the less confident you will likely be in any claim to our understanding the global environment.


  1. As I've said since at least the early '90s... "Ask yourself, 'How do they know?' Then go and find out."


  2. And then there's the 1200-1400 year old trees being exposed by the retreating glaciers in Alaska. Damned inconvenient they are.


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