Monday, September 2, 2013


Memories and imagination can be a noxious cocktail. I have a good imagination.

I'm the only occupant of Mom's house, getting it ready for her and Younger Brother's arrival on Wednesday. Except I'm not alone.

Dad's presence is so thick that I can almost touch it. It's not creepy, but it hangs heavy in the air. Like I said, I have a quite good imagination and when I stood where his hospital bed was and thought this is the spot where his heart stopped beating, it was an odd feeling.

Not a scary one - Dad was a great father who never in a million years would have hurt us And so I'm safe from ghosts, which I don't believe in anyway.

Except this scientific, logical mind overlays a quite decidedly not scientific and logical one. There's quite a lot of our minds (well, mine anyway) that isn't just beyond our control, but is beyond our ken.

And there be ghosts. It's strange, but this is the most time I've spent with Dad in quite a while.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. I've had a similar, but more kinetic experience, not too long after my grandfather's passing.

  2. There is more to things that we can see and touch, and it is every bit as real.

  3. Today woulda been my dad's 55th. September is kinda full of ghosts around here.

  4. When your culture has an etiquette for greeting unexpected ghosts entering your house, maybe just maybe they could exist.

  5. Strange, in quiet moments surrounded by things that belonged to my parents I can almost feel their presence. Good memories can do that to you sometimes.

  6. No ghost in my life yet, and I dread the day that I know is coming. I also know that I have good friends that will help me get through it too.

    Too often we go through our days thinking "tomorrow" but sometimes tomorrow isn't there. Make the most of today, it's what we have available to us.

  7. BP -

    Make memories and enjoy your time, we don't get to decide how long we stay.



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