Sunday, September 15, 2013


#1 Son turns 21 today.  Damn, how did that happen?  I mean, he looks just like this:

Got to buy him a beer.


  1. Did the same for twenty-one, and you know, when your son hits thirty-six he'll look the same...

    I so feel my age.

  2. I hear you. My oldest turns 24 - and the baby turns 18! - next month. Doesn't seem possible, somehow.

  3. Cute! I love that he isn't wearing both shoes -a foreshadowing of someone who was in a hurry to grow-up?

  4. thirdnews, he'd stepped in some dog poop and we were washing it off in the fountain.

    Not so cute a motivation, but the picture is one of my favorites anyway.

  5. When my son turned 21, I have him one of my handguns: A Sig 220 in .45ACP.
    He carried that gun for several years. Now he carries a smaller gun, and that 220 is his bedroom gun at home.

  6. You're going to get distracted - need clean up the garage or something mundane - and the next time you look up, you're at his wedding.

    One more little distraction, and you'll be holding your first grandchild.


  7. Happy Birthday to your #1 son! Yes, they do grow too fast. Our #1 son is 47 and #2 son is 45 - seems like only yesterday they were so little!

  8. Mine is 2 and a half now. I'm pretty sure we only left the hospital a couple weeks ago.

  9. Number One Daughter hit 40 this past week. I feel your pain. And joy.


  10. Mine will be turning 27 next month, and I still remember bringing him home from the hospital like it was this morning.

  11. When my son turned 18 recently he wanted to spend his birthday money on a shotgun. I helped him shop but he wanted to buy it himself.

  12. Happy Birthday young man. And congrats BP. You have done your job well my friend.


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