Monday, August 19, 2013

John Wayne sushi

Looks good - filet mignon, avocado, A-1 Steak Sauce.

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  1. Okaaayyy... THAT is different! :-)

  2. I'll take mine medium rare plz!
    I actually eat bait wrapped in cold rice and seaweed from time to time.
    That looks even better.

  3. The only truly raw fish that i actually enjoy is in ceviche and even that is chemically cooked in the lime juice acids.

    Not that I don't enjoy rare ahi, but the key here is rare. Not raw.

    Hopefully someone bothered to actually cook that filet mignon. Raw beef is not good.

  4. kx59, or rare even. Yeah, it had been cooked. It looked dang tasty - #1 Son wouldn't let me try it, so it must have been really good.

  5. Not to burst your bubble but may I say Fukushima and the ongoing leak into the Pacific of radiation daily.

  6. Knottedprop: Nagoya restaurant, Roswell GA

  7. And the actual amount of radiation leaked, as compared to background radiation?

    Numbers without context are worthless.

  8. the sushi place closest to my house does steak in a couple of their rolls and it's different, but really quite tasty.


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