Friday, August 30, 2013


Heart-Wrenching Video Shows Starving Dog Burying Her 11 Puppies After Man Knowingly Left Them to Die in His Yard.

Remember the name Migel Martinez from Memphis.  If there's justice he will never get away from the long arm of Google which sees all, forgets nothing.


  1. I soo hate people who are cruel in any way to animals make my blood boil.

  2. Dammitall, did you have to post that while I'm at work?

    I don't even need to see the video and I'm furious.

  3. I'm not really a violent person. But I so want to shoot that son of a bitch in the face.

  4. There's a special level being constructed in Hell as we speak...

  5. If it has to be done, a man - a real man - shoots his own dog himself; he doesn't hire a proxy who may bungle it. - RAH via Juan Rico

    I am sure we are familiar enough with the original context to se at least 3 valid interpretations.

  6. I don't need to see it, either.

    And I'm with Jennifer on this "person"'s fate....

  7. That is just sick, and that hurt to watch...

  8. Looks like another one of Obama's DREAMers doing what they do and working to turn America into a copy of his own third-world cesspool home.

  9. I share a CITY with this moron.

    I read about it earlier (I check that site for weather info), and unfortunately, Memphis is quickly becoming one of those cities where people get pitbull mixes just to have them, but then don't really think, "Oh, I have to take care of it."

    Dogfighting is more prevalent the further west you go...into Arkansas and whatnot...but I witnessed a guy "training" his dog by nudging it with a stick and then sticking a stuffed animal in its face in my old neighborhood in college. The dog kept looking at him like, "Seriously?" then grabbed the stuffed animal and just sat down. When the man started yelling, I open-carried in my yard, pretending to pick up branches, staring him down occasionally, and he tossed the stick aside and continued walking his dog. I don't know what happened to the dog after that, but I never saw the guy again. Part of me is really hopeful that he was like, "girl with gun knows what I look like...better lay low" and didn't continue the trend, but...well...Memphis.

  10. Also, couldn't watch the video, either. I rage, bad things happen.


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