Monday, August 19, 2013


Man, I've been dead on my feet for a week.  I'm writing this last night at 21:30 and I'm about ready to go to bed.  Not sure why I'm so bushed.  Partly it's been busy as a one legged waitress at the IHOP, partly it's getting plans to move Mom back home (without my two brothers coming to blows; looks like I've managed to keep peace in the family).

But man, I'm dragging.  Getting #2 Son off to school each day is just another drain - although he helpfully pointed out that if he learned to ride the motorcycle I wouldn't have to take him.  He'd thought through an elaborate justification, so he's clearly been noodling on this.

Like I wouldn't lose sleep over that ...

But even drinking even more coffee than usual isn't getting me wound up.  Looks like I picked the wrong week to give up amphetamines ...


  1. Snerk, hellva lead in for that clip, well done! :-)

  2. Delurking for a moment. I already moved my mother into my house. It's a big change life wise, but it's worth it not to see her put in a home. Other times the home seems like a good idea(lol). It took us about a year to come to a point of mutual understanding. She stays out of my marriage and I'll let her eat(lol).

    back to lurking.


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