Thursday, July 4, 2013

Thinking about patriotism

Ten years ago we heard shrill challenges from the Left, how dare you question my patriotism?

Now it seems that those of us who grew up in a past age - raised by the "Greatest Generation" - find ourselves increasingly divorced from the philosophies of that can only be calls the Ruling Class.  Our belief in individual freedom is sneered at, as an existential threat to the Ruling Class' dreams of ever increasing power and influence.

A class that has lost any core moral philosophy, one where nothing remains but appetite.

This day calls us to reflect, and for me it's the first time that the day has been a sober (and perhaps a bit melancholy) reflection on patriotism.  My gut tells me that fragmentation is the only possible solution to the ever expanding Leviathan, and that seems a weak reed to cling to.

I see the Democrats, in their lawless and contemptuous reveling in raw power.  I think on what will the Republicans do, when their turn comes.  Will they take a deep breath, reflect on the roots of the Republic, and step back from the reins of Power that they so deeply desired?  Alas, I think I know the answer to that.  Sulla followed Marius, and worse came after.

And so I find myself questioning the patriotism of the very leaders of this nation.  Didn't see this coming.

(Image source)
Happy Independence Day.


  1. I'm starting my day with a reading of the Declaration of Independence to the kids....perhaps it'll take root in their has surely withered in ours.

  2. Said then, say now: It's east to question something that most political Dems don't have.

    I remember - years ago, in a meeting of my VFW Post - having an argument with a fellow member, who was a Dem. I remember I thought him a twit, but by God he'd earned the right to say whatever stupid thing he wanted to say.

  3. Fragmentation, aye. If restoring the blessings of ordered liberty mean punting on the fruits of Manifest Destiny, then I say over the side with it.

  4. I can't argue with your observation nor conclusion. May God forgive us for what we've allowed to happen to this country.

  5. Concur with the others, I believe you're right on both counts and I just hope I'm gone before everything totally comes apart. Read the Constitution and the Declaration this morning and can't help but wonder how many more years those will even BE viable documents...

  6. Why are you celebrating something that has obviously and now ultimately failed, it was obviously flawed from the beginning. I give you a C+ plus for effort now go back and try again and this time do something about the Supreme court and the Presidents "executive powers" and maybe write in something about term limits for everyone and mandatory testing for sociopaths from ever holding office and no lobbyists, also if corporations are people then the board of directors goes to jail if the company avoid taxes and break the law. Also California must cease to exist as a state it's caused enough damage to the world as it is.


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