Tuesday, July 2, 2013

OK, this is the motorcycle I need to get

Stretch emails with this bike, made of 100% weapon-grade awesome:

I love the kill decals on the cowling.  And the tail gun.


  1. I can picture Wolfgang in the sidecar with Doggles and a scarf, a la Peanuts. Perfect.

  2. There appears to be about 650 or more pounds worth of BADASS built in to that, too! Awesome!

    Now, if they could just build a P-38 version, make the motorcycle and the sidecar look like engine nacelles, with a small "body" in between....

  3. I like the bullet holes in the engine cowl. No showpiece there - that one's seen action!

  4. One more kill and Wolfie makes ACE.

  5. Outstanding and 'somebody' with WAY too much time and money on their hands!!!

  6. Peanuts? If you put Wolfgang in the sidecar, it's more likely someone would mistake him for Gromit.


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