Sunday, July 21, 2013

Jean-Féry Rebel - Baroque Violin Sonatas

OK, so I'm buying a Honda Rebel motorcycle.  What, you might well ask, does that have to do with Classical Music?

Image via Wikipedia
Actually, if you ask that you clearly haven't been reading here very long.  There's always a connection here, just because.  The connection, of course, is that motorcycles are awesome, and baroque music is awesome.  And both the bike and the composer are named "Rebel".  Quod Erat Demonstrandum.

But M. Rebel (pronounced reBEL) is a pretty interesting dude, even if he didn't have (presumably) Harley-Davidson tattoos.  Or even Honda ones.  Instead, he was born into the court of le Roi Soleil himself, Louis XIV.  His father was a musicial in the Court, and young Jean-Féry soon showed himself to be a violin prodigy.

"Soon" meaning "by age eight".  It was a precocious era.

Such was his reputation throughout Europe that no less than Handel himself conducted these works (originally composed in 1695) in the very heart of Perfidious Albion.  Which leads us to a great realization of Baroque music and Honda motorcycles: if it ain't baroque, there's no need to fix it. [ducks]

And so you have it: the Grand Unified Theory of Baroque music and reliable motorcycles.  Sure it's weird.  You knew that when you came here, right?


  1. Another enlightening class. I had never heard of M. Rebel. I will listen to the whole performance a little later, as, I am lakeside again but sans charger.
    Nice connection to the bike purchase! Does this mean a barbershop quartet segment is in store if you buy a Honda Harmony riding mower?
    Your posts are a staple for my Sunday mornings! Thanks as always.

  2. I always love coming by here on Sunday mornings and seeing what you've put up. Your tastes in music haven't disappointed yet, and in general have been educational into the bargain. Good day, sir!

  3. libertyman, our mower is in fact a honda, but not a rider. Enjoy the lake.

    Jeremy, glad you like it.

  4. I will have to admit that "I" would never had made that connection... LOL

  5. Thank you for a most enjoyable way to end this Sunday evening!


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