Tuesday, July 23, 2013

'Tis done

I'm now officially a gun toting biker dude that shaves his head*.

Looking out the Camp Borepatch main gates.

* On that last one, look for "The bitter truth" in the sidebar ...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Excellent!

    Take it easy on your first rides. Be safe. And, until you've built up your confidence, don't ride in the rain.

    Good luck - and good riding!

  2. I've put over a thousand mile on my bike this summer already, usually with a 1911 or Sig P229 on my hip (permit allows open carry). I don't shave my head, nature is taking care of that for me quite rapidly.
    Wear a helmet when you can, or must (state laws vary) and have fun. Many advantages to a bike (45mpg is nice, I don't carry passengers- no nagging, and you'll feel more alive than when in a car), but some serious downsides as well (other drivers don't pay attention and out weigh you, June bugs hurt when you hit them at 60+mph, and rain sucks).

  3. Burt, you know what a long road this has been. Still going to be one step at a time, but it's nice to be here.

    Chaplain Tim, I'm a helmet fan even if it's not required by law (it has been here in Georgia - and in most of the South - since 1969).

  4. Enjoy Mr. Borepatch, enjoy! (and always ride with the headlight ON)

  5. Enjoy. I envy you. Miss my old bike.

  6. Congratulations BP. It's a great way to travel. Probably the biggest difference I noticed when I started riding was the smells. Well, that and the weird feeling from riding without accessories like air conditioning and seat belts.

    Do you think Mrs. BP might be joining you on the pillion at some point? It's a fun way to be together.

  7. That looks nothing like a Garand.

    But you'll probably have more fun with it.

  8. Dave H, we'll have to see. She's not a motorcycle fan.

    Chiefjaybob, you cut me to the quick. You're right, of course.


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