Sunday, June 30, 2013

Quote of the Day: Motorcycle edition

Gosh, it seems like teh Intarwebz are collectively telling me to stop being a grownup and just get the bike.  Dave H speaks my language in a comment here with the QOTD:
One nice thing about a motorcycle: the NSA can't hack its CAN Bus and drive you into a tree.
True dat.  That's one persuasive fellow.


  1. What are you talking about, "quit being a grownup"? Planning ahead for your midlife crisis makes a lot of sense. At least that was my excuse for getting a motorcycle license at age 43.

  2. LOL, what if you're already PAST mid-life??? And had bikes in the past???

  3. Old NFO: Then you're old enough to realize you don't need to make up a reason.

  4. And you really don't need that Garand anyway.

  5. TinCan Assassin, LOL.

    And Old NFO, I'm not in a mid life crisis, I'm in my prime.

  6. I'd say get the bike. And more life insurance. Lots more. But then get the bike. Jay G. sent me here to say so.

  7. As I said over at Jays place...

    My bike keeps me sane. Sometimes it's the ONLY thing keeping me sane.

  8. it, get the bike. You're already past the most dangerous age, in that your hormones are much less likely to convince you that you're immortal. That's an advantage (IMO) that older riders have, and you really seem like the type who'll ride tactically, if not strategically.

  9. Get a bike and get the MSF training. Riding without training is like owning a gun without a clue about which end the bullets emerge-from. There are things that are completely non-intuitive you MUST to learn in order to survive on a bike - countersteering for one - and if you can, start with a dirtbike, it's MUCH less expensive when you drop it, in fact you are supposed to drop it, and it's good exercise. On a dirtbike you learn to FIND traction - something you don't learn much about on the street until it's too late. On a dirtbike in the woods you don't usually face oncoming traffic, and it's nice to be in the woods. You don't HAVE to jump it either, not big jumps anyhow - but you can if you want to - something that's usually not advisable on the street.
    Then get a dual-sport if you really want to street-ride, and learn about street-traction and the blind idiocy of car drivers.

  10. +1 on the dual sport bike. That's what I learned on. Lots of fun!


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