Internet Security, music, and Dad Jokes. And pets - it's a blog, after all.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
But remember, these Progressives are so much smarter than you and I
Because they've spent their lives worshipping at the altar of Smart Uber Alles at the leftie Universities. And so they do smart user alles things like this:
But remember, you like guns and so you're a knuckle dragging wingnut.
I don't think it's a mistake at all, as in I don't think he "accidentally" got on the list. This isn't the first time this has happened; people were including the terrorists in the 9/11 kill count years ago. Tsarnaev *was* killed by a gun, and that lets the gun grabbers pad their count of eeeevil gun deaths.
I don't think it's a mistake at all, as in I don't think he "accidentally" got on the list. This isn't the first time this has happened; people were including the terrorists in the 9/11 kill count years ago. Tsarnaev *was* killed by a gun, and that lets the gun grabbers pad their count of eeeevil gun deaths.