Tuesday, June 25, 2013

5 years ago yesterday

JayG put up this post:
Okay. I am officially jealous.

Looks like a good time was had by all participants at the Indy Blog Bash.

Unc's always hosting or attending some sort of TN-based gunblogger meet.

Who's interested in a Northeast Blogger meet-up? Any interest in bloggers local to New England/Northeast getting together?

I'm thinking we need to one-up the Indy meet, and rather than get together at some trendy pub, get together at a range...

Let me know if interested...

That is all.
I'd been following Jay's blog for a while, and I'd been thinking about starting a blog for a while.  Dang, I said to myself.  I guess I should get off my lazy butt and do itAnd so I did, 5 years ago today.

Over 7100 posts (!) and over 25,000 comments (!!!!!) later, here we are.  Personally, I blame Jay.  But thanks, Jay, for being the kick in the seat of my pants that I needed.  And thanks to all y'all who keep stopping by.  I'm not sure what I expected when I started, but it sure wasn't this.  That's something that I'm quite grateful for.


  1. I was introduced to your blog with an article that compared today's economic/political foolishness to that of ancient Rome. It was some of the best reading I ever got out of the blogosphere.

    I have the love/hate relationship with libertarianism that most far-right conservatives do - but have to admit you acquit yourself well.


    Keep up the good work.

  2. Great job Ted! Here's to the next 5!!

  3. Congratz!

    I should stop buy more often.


  4. Congrats! You're on my daily "must read" list - I'm never disappointed!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Congratulations, BP!


  7. Happy blogiversary, sir! I don't always comment, but always read.

  8. Congrats on five years and a wish to you for many more fine blogging years ahead.

  9. And if you had never started blogging, we might not have started having the Dallas Area Blogshoot...

    So thank you for kicking that off, and for everything you've shared with us over the last half-a-decade!

  10. Happy Blogiversary, Ted. :-)

  11. Awesome! The blog world is richer having you in it.

  12. ...and what an energetic five year old you are. Happy 5th.

  13. Happy 5th! Keep up the great work!

  14. Congrats! Happy 5TH !!!!!111 = )

  15. Congrats!!

    Since you're one of the bloggers who influenced me to start, that makes you like my blog_older_brother. Or blogfather. Or something.

  16. I came over as a result of the tjic thing. You've filled the hole in my daily reading that he left when he derailed quite well. Love your blog. Will read for as long as you continue to post.

  17. I always enjoy your posts...

    Dann in Ohio

  18. Congratulations. Many informative hours have been spent here over the past five years.


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