Thursday, May 30, 2013

Orwell was right

His essay on "objectively pro-fascist" is famous.  Less famous is is his explanation for the phenomenon:
The idea that you can somehow remain aloof from and superior to the struggle, while living on food which British sailors have to risk their lives to bring you, is a bourgeois illusion bred of money and security.
And so we see today.  Vanderleun ponders Memorial Day, and ponders Those Who Will Not See:
In the Battle of Soissons in July of 1918, 12,000 men (Americans and Germans) were killed in four days. Vast crops of white crosses sprouted from the fields their rows and columns fading into the distance as they marched back from the roadside like an army of the dead called to attention until the end of time. American cemeteries merged with French cemeteries that merged with German cemeteries; their only distinction being the flags that flew over what one took to be the center of the arrangement. I suppose one could find out the number of graves in these serried ranks. Somewhere they keep the count. Governments are especially good at counting. But it is enough to know they are beyond numbering by an individual; that the mind would cease before the final number was reached.

To have even a hundredth of those cemeteries in the United States now would be more than we, as a nation, could bear. It would not be so much the dead within it, but the truth that made it happen that would be unbearable. This is, of course, what we are as a nation fiddling about with on this Memorial Day. We count our war dead daily now, but we count mostly on the fingers of one hand, at times on two. Never in numbers now beyond our ability to imagine. This is not because we cannot die daily in large numbers in a war. September 11th proved to us that we still die in the thousands, but many among us cannot now hold that number as a reality, but only as a "tragic" exception that need not have happened and will -- most likely -- never happen again.|

That, at least, is the mind set that I assume when I read how the "War on Terror" is but a bumper strip. In a way, that's preferable to the the mind set that now, in increasing numbers among us, prefers to take refuge in the unbalanced belief that 9/11 was actually something planned and executed by the American government. Why many of my fellow Americans prefer this "explanation" is something that I once felt was beyond comprehension. Now I see it is just another comfortable position taken up by those for whom the habits of automatic treason have become just another fashionable denigration of the country that has made their liberty to believe the worst of it not only possible but popular.
Orwell knew their kind, 70 years ago.  A bourgeois illusion bred of money and security is the entirety of the situation, although I quite like the construction those for whom the habits of automatic treason to be quite the bon mot.  It says the same thing.

In a more robust age of the Republic the first such would have swung from lampposts, and the rest - cowards that they are, seeking nothing but cheap approbation from their peers - would have rightly shut up.  I look on the dark night of fascism declining once more on Europe and anticipate their voices will be (thankfully) muted soon.


  1. Am I reading this correctly? Are you saying that those of us who question the official account of the 9/11 attacks and note how it was a convenient casus belli to invade an important middle eastern country (and enrich the military supply machine) should be hung?

    I sure hope that I'm mistaken in my reading of your post. Or should those who question the BATFE "fast and furious" operation swing as well? How about those who question the events at Waco and Ruby ridge? To the gallows with them? How about those who question the Gulf of Tonkin incident? Is it their lot to dance the Danny Deever?

  2. A Noun, you don't seem like you read what I wrote. Stopping the Gramscian damage with the instigators and there's no need to take it further.

  3. A noun:

    Here's a link that explains pretty well how I feel about your kind.

    If you really think that our government murdered 3000 of our fellow citizens so that halliburton could make a dime, here's my question:

    Wheres your rifle, coward?


    Here's the link...


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