Monday, May 13, 2013

Even I do a neater wiring job than this

What's funniest is that there are several cable bundles that someone spent actual time to tie wrap together.


  1. My first job was making wire harnesses. I'd probably have gotten fired for even showing that picture around!

  2. I do structured cable and network connections at server farms, offices and major retailers. The kind of "cable management" shown in the picture is actually seen pretty often. I recently serviced an Apple store where the back room cable looked much like this. If "Apple" our fearless techno leader allows this kind of work in their stores, the S has already H the F.

  3. Does it work? Then quit yer bitchin'!

  4. One of the comms rooms in my building looks a bit like your picture. We're paying a guy to clean it up on the grounds that less is more.

  5. I keep expecting to see Shelob lurking in the corner.

  6. I'm sorry, sir, but the server room, which is also the wiring closet, has been assimilated. I'm going home to get my phaser, my batleth, and a red tunic, then I'll be back. There's a dktang in my messenger bag if things get really bad.

    Live long and prosper


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