Friday, April 5, 2013

Secure Perimeter is Secure

Not all security failures are this obvious, but security failures at your house are something that you want to avoid.  Fill Yer Hands has some good advice on the subject.


  1. I read you daily and almost never comment. I have to say...I am damn glad I found your blog. I appreciate your posts and I've found a few others sites I enjoy through you such as this one. Thank you sir.

  2. this ISN'T fail, it's 'planning ahead'. Those teeny tiny little pine type trees will (someday) grow up to make it unpossible to get around that reeeeeally nice security grate of a door.
    Ya gotta think outside the box sometimes, don'tchaknow now?

    Rich in NC

  3. I've done that security audit for every place that I've lived in shortly after moving in.
    Typically on some non work day I'll take my coffee outside and walk around the perimiter of the hose looking at all of the aperatures, and think to myself:
    "OK doofus, when you inevitably lock yourself out, how are you going to get back in?"

  4. Good points, and I agree with Douglas2!


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