Thursday, March 14, 2013

I hate going to the Doctor

But with (probably) bronchitis, that's the plan for this AM. Bah.


  1. Yeah, no fun. Hope you feel better soon.

  2. Free Internet Medical Advice!

    Remember that "bronchitis" is not a diagnosis, it is a description. If you have already established to your satisfaction that you are hacking and coughing up unpleasant stuff...well you have bronchitis.

    Too often I see a rather glib "here's the Z-pack" approach. Bronchitis can be bacterial, viral, allergic or often as not, mixed. And once in a while it is something else imitating bronchitis...a rather common blood pressure medicine induces PermaCough for instance.

    Personally a fan of a short run of prednisone especially if any history of asthma. Antibiotics, more on basis of duration of symptoms, we do not have the equivalent to a paint matching color chart for sputum!

    Anyways, get well.


  3. What they said ... and feel better soon.


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