Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Britain. It used to be great.

First went their right to possess weapons to defend themselves.  Now goes their right to speak their minds:
The three main parties are all deciding how they will kill off the last vestiges of freedom of the press in Britain.
Ed Miliband was hoping to sit down with David Cameron and Nick Clegg later on Tuesday or Wednesday to agree a historic new deal which would see newspapers regulated like the BBC.
But fear not, Citizen Subject, all shall be for the best, in the best of all possible worlds.  And if any of the newspapers dare to try to squirm out of the regulations, another quote from the same old, old play would apply:
... in this country it is found good, from time to time, to kill one Admiral to encourage the others.
An unwritten constitution is only as good as the Government's intentions.  Not that a written constitution is often much better.  But as they say, the dark night of fascism is always falling on America but somehow always landing in Europe.

In the New World, we have a more muscular view of our rights, and while the fascists are working 'round the clock to extinguish them they at least now have to explain how what's plainly written down and ratified isn't what it plainly says.  This goes for both the first and second amendments.  This (make sure you listen to the part starting at around 9:30.

For hundreds of years we've been different than the Mother Country.  Too bad about Britain.  It used to be great.


  1. We just lost our right to free speech in Canada too. Apparently our fart suckers in the Supreme Court decided that 'Truth can be used to promote hate; and if you hurt somebody's feelings even though you spoke the truth - you may get charged with a hate crime...'

    LOL. Sure, you tossers! Good luck enforcing that! Our gun rights are supposedly non-existent too but nobody really cares...I have evil black rifles and pistols and I shoot them regardless of the asnine laws - we all do!

    America openly defies these a-holes and that is why I love them. Canadians pretend to listen to them and might make a show of giving them lip service - but they are smart enough to leave us alone. Brits go belly up to their tyrants and they deserve their loss of freedom all the way. Damned if I will shed tears for them, they bring it on themselves!

  2. This is in response to the phone hacking "scandal." So if phone hacking is illegal, arrest the perpetrators, hold a trial, fine and/or imprison the guilty.

    Whoops, that makes sense. It must be easier to punish everyone for the actions of a few.

  3. The sun has finally set on the British Empire.....

  4. They lost the prohibition on double jeopardy recently too.


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