Friday, February 1, 2013

Some people aren't happy unless other people have less

Oh good grief:
JetBlue Airways Corp. says a flight from New York to San Diego was diverted to Denver because of an unruly passenger.


Passengers tell KMGH-TV ( ) the woman was seated in the premium section when another passenger was moved to the same row because his TV monitor didn't work. Passengers say the woman became angry that the man was moved to her premium section without paying extra and she got into an argument with the flight crew. A federal air marshal intervened and the flight was diverted

Read more here:
She lost nothing when that other fellow was upgraded, nothing except for exclusivity.  What a waste of a soul.


  1. I guess is that she did not earn a dime of the money that she spend on her seat either. I know this type all too well. The Blue Blood wanna-be woman who thinks she's special because her husband was rich and successful and who has a huge inferiority complex because she know she didn't earn any of it. So she runs around turning her nose up at everybody, wearing her husband's rank and success as if it is her own. There is nothing worse, and no snottiness more vehement send that as a rich* b**** through marriage

  2. I'll never understand this...

    I'm generally happy to see people on the receiving end of a lucky or happy mistake.
    As long as you're not scamming somebody to get it, good for you.

  3. I hoe they throw her in jail for a couple of nights! Then send her the bill for the extra jet fuel, and wasted time.

  4. I was on a flight from puerto vallarta back to canada. At the airport, I bought last minute for about 130 bucks, the first class upgrade. We got the personal bus to the plane, all of the good stuff that comes with being first class. I notice there is one empty seat, the steward, who is a festive fellow, gets hit on by some cashed out other festive fellow, trying to get the free upgrade with the potential offer of a sexual tryst. I speak out clearly, 130 bucks cash on the barrelhead buddy. I believed the steward was quite embarrased and the nancy boy called me a bitch. The flight home was great, peaceful and full of champagne.

  5. BP,

    Long time no stop by, but I do have unrestricted internet for the first time in four years!

    Five times in a row now, I've been stuck in the middle seat of the 757s I fly in. That really sucks, especially around hour 12 knowing I still have six to eight more to go...

    Best Regards,
    The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles.

  6. Albert, welcome back! And fly safe. One went from LA to Sydney in the middle seat, so I can sympathize.


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