Saturday, January 12, 2013

I'm closing down anonymous comments

Comment spam is back after a brief hiatus, and it's worse than ever.  Not only is it approaching 300 a day, but a bunch (maybe as many as a dozen a day) are slipping through the spam filter and actually getting published.  And so I'm disabling anonymous comments.

I really don't like this, because there are some of you who post here pretty regularly that way.  I'll try leaving it shut for a week or so and then open it back up to see if that helps.


  1. How lame...I'm not even worthy of spambots...

  2. I'm almost there myself BP. I'm not getting 300 but I am getting a lot and some of them are making it into comments. I have moderation on any post older than 7 days and that's catching most of it so far but if the spam traffic increases I'll probably have to do the same.

    Hey, it's the war on spam, some casualties have to be expected.

  3. Just one more "anti" front . . . . Heavy sigh!

  4. Borepatch,

    Before you nuke anonymous comments, turn captcha back on. I did, and I haven't had a single spam comment since...

  5. I had to use the captcha. I got spam from china alomost immediately when I began my blog. Nothing like what you endure.

  6. and you're spreading it like a virus.

    Since you linked me last week, my spam count has quadrupled, and as you say, about 5% slip through and get posted.

    I should go around telling everyone "Borepatch gave me herpes." :)

  7. Jay, I'd love it if I could require a CAPTCHA only for anonymous comments. Sadly, that's not an option.

    MSgt B, it's all part of being a full service blog. ;-)


Remember your manners when you post. Anonymous comments are not allowed because of the plague of spam comments.