Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Comment spam

It seems to be running not quite ten times as much as real comments.  It's leaking through Google's spam filters more often, too.  Is anyone else seeing this?

I'd hate to block anonymous comments because there are real comments left that way, but cleaning up more than 100 spam comments a day is getting to be annoying.


  1. It's weird - I've got just one spam comment that is popping up about once every couple weeks at the same post.

  2. I've been getting the same problem. It comes in spurts. I'll get tons over the span of a couple days, and then it'll dry up a bit as I tweek the filters, then they're figure out the filters and we repeat...

  3. I've been noticing a HUGE uptick in spam, BP.

    I've been doing the same thing - wrestling with turning off anonymous comments - because it is so pervasive and annoying.

    I don't want to do it - I have numerous commenters who post anonymously and I'd hate to shut them out, but damn, it gets tedious wading through several dozen spam e-mails three/four times a day.

    And it's getting worse with comments making it through and being posted...

  4. My spam mostly comes from old posts so I set it up where I have to approve/moderate all comments after 30 days.

  5. Wordpress Askimet hasn't let a single one through yet... just sayin.

  6. Duke, I have it set up that way, too - comments to old posts go to moderation. I get maybe a dozen of those a day. :-p

  7. I just had a thought about a way to hilariously mess up comment spammers (if it could be used widely): randomly swap the URLs in those spam comments.

  8. I've gotten only one spam comment in the last year. No, I don't know why.

  9. I'm still a big fan of comment moderation software like Disqus. Sure, your commenters have to register (once, takes all of a minute) and after that it's like a second to sign in.

    In return, you the blogowner get the ability to edit your comments; moderate other people's comments; and conversations can be nested.

    I have NEVER had a problem with spammers since installing comment moderation program. Consider it.

  10. I am too. A few are getting into comments but because most of it is to older posts I set up moderation on posts older than 2 weeks (I believe it was). That traps a lot in moderation and lets me label it as spam which makes the filter work better. If any of that makes any sense.

  11. What bluesun said.
    Nada, zip, bupkis

    For which I'm very grateful!



Remember your manners when you post. Anonymous comments are not allowed because of the plague of spam comments.