Thursday, November 29, 2012

Why Mitt Romney lost

He wouldn't say any of this.

You don't have to listen to all of this, or believe that Newt was the savior, but he expresses why his way is a better way.  Mitt was all about "I'm not Obama".  How'd that work out for him?


  1. Well, that and he wasn't Mussolini....

  2. Newt Gingrinch is no prize either. He is a statist like Romney; he actually has much in common with him.

  3. He outlasted Newt, BP, because he didn't say those things. If he had he would have been turfed much earlier in the game.

    America is not ready for the truth and will not be until people start going hungry and refusing to invest or loan money.

    Newt is exactly what America needs.

  4. Newt would have at least run a more interesting, engaging, and, dare I say it, controversial campaign... unlike Romney, who ran on the "I'm not Obama" platform, and allowed himself to get all distracted by all the social issue red herrings with which the Obama campaign littered the landscape.

    And despite some similarities to Romney, I think Newt was far closer to the conservative ideal.

  5. This. THIS is what we needed:

  6. That is one of the things I appreciated about Newt, he had no compunctions about calling a MSM d-bag out and making them look like the fools they are.

  7. Newt has the ability to both say things that will inspire you and then, somehow, he always lets you down.


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