Thursday, October 18, 2012


ASM826 brings this season's political analysis.  His crystal ball is clear.  I actually don't have anything to say other than "RTWT", especially to folks who think that Obama is going to pack the Supreme Court with bun banners.

Of course, it doesn't really matter since Obama is flaming out like the 2004 Yankees.


  1. No more BUNS oh noes what will we do with our hamburgers?

  2. As I said at ADM826's: So you think the Tea Party won't have any effect on, for example, the kind of spending bills sent to Romney for signature? If you're not convinced he'd do better on the SC Justice issue--and I'm not, but I'm holding out for "not likely to be as bad"--then what about rule by Executive fiat? You think Romney will unilaterally declare Congress isn't in session so he can recess apoint cronies? You think he'll let the EPA's war on coal continue?

    What I'm hearing is someone concerned that we're going 100MPH down the road the wrong way reaching for the brake and screaming "oh no nothing's changed" before the foot has even reached the pedal.

    You're letting the perfect be the enemy of the good.

    I don't know about you but I don't want to live in Argentina.

  3. you'll have to pry the bun from my cold dead hand!
    Really BP, blogger does have spell check and all, and I know you see the red squiggly lines under your typos.
    You are such a rebel. :-)

  4. They only want to ban the fully automatic assault buns. Nothing to worry about.


    I think you guys need to read the page at the link above. The grassroots MA gun lobby explains what Romney accomplished in their state pretty well.


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