Saturday, October 13, 2012

The bat cave

Made from 20,000 Lego bricks.


  1. Powerful new Pro Life ad is out "Who is the abortion extremist"?

  2. I see commentcents is back spamming everyone again to try and get traffic.

    Dude - if we wanted people to read your blog we'd link it. But leaving comments with links to you when you obviously haven't read the post is rude. You know, like posts about deaths in someone's family and such.

  3. Agreed with Brigid. People will find your blog if its good. If its an adult. Change your content, and quit spamming.

    Hmmm...if someone can get a grant from Congress to wax artistic using poo, shouldn't the maker of this have funding, as well? Awesome!!!

  4. IGNORING cc.... And that's almost half a manyear of construction!!! They obviously have WAY too much time on their hands!!! :-)

  5. I saw this at Emerald City Comic Con this year, you really have to see it to appreciate it. The model isn't static, multiple parts of it move.


Remember your manners when you post. Anonymous comments are not allowed because of the plague of spam comments.