Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pretzels FTW

I like to bake bread, and have for a long time.  #1 Son asked me to make pretzels instead of bread and so I did.  Holy cow, it's easy.

Step 1: Make your favorite easy bread dough.  Whichever recipe you like is fine.  You want brioche pretzels?  Sure.

Step 2: Divide the dough into 1/8 of a loaf pieces (obviously, before you bake it).

Step 3: Roll each piece of dough into a roughly two foot long roll.  It should be about as thick as your finger.  Form the dough string into a "U" shape, and then take the ends and cross them over into the traditional pretzel shape.

Step 4: Boil the pretzels one at a time for 30 seconds in a solution of 10 cups water and 2/3 cup of baking soda.  I like to flip the pretzels half way through, but have absolutely no idea whether this improves the final product or not.

Step 5: Brush with egg wash, sprinkle with pretzel salt (a coarser grind then even kosher salt; do not use other kinds of salt here!). Bake at 450° for 12 minutes until brown.

Stolen from Alton Brown, except I used my regular "Ted Bread" recipe, at the request of the kids.


  1. Pretzels are something I've never particularly cared for... But your idea is a good one!

  2. Mmmm, fresh pretzels. I used to love watching the kids at Auntie Annie's pretzel place in the mall make them. They'd pick up the two ends of the dough rope and give it just enough of a spin that it's twist into a loop, then lay it down with the ends touching the loop in the proper pretzel shape. The whole thing took less than a second in experienced hands.

    The garlic and chive topping made from non-dairy coffee creamer was good, too.

  3. I've scrounged a couple of bread recipes here and there- I love baking bread, although sweets and desserts are not really my thing. Brigid over at Mausers and Muffins has a pretzel roll recipe I want to try

  4. You're not too far from bagels at that point, either.

  5. I have made pretzels from pizza dough, dusting with parmesean cheese instead of salt. Yum.

  6. I have a yeast pizza dough recipe I use. Family can't eat them now due to an allergy to gluten, but so yummy!

  7. My wife used to make several types; some with whole wheat flour, some with sourdough, and some interesting ones to which she added a bit of the cheese powder in boxed mac and cheese.


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