Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Che lives!

Oh, wait.  Today's the anniversary of his execution.

About sums up the cluelessness of the idiots who wear the shirt.

In other news of brutal commie tyrants, Yuri Andropov's flu is getting better, and the Central COmmittee expects him back at work any day now.


  1. The kind of people who would wear that t-shirt are exactly the sort of useful idiots that Che would have had executed after their usefulness to him was over.

  2. I realize it's poor form to leave a comment on someone else's blog for the sole purpose of linking back to mine, but... you might find this entertaining and relevant to your topic.

  3. It's not my policy to celebrate anyone's death, but I might just start making an exception for murderous communist thugs....


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