Thursday, September 6, 2012

What could possibly go wrong?

Obamacare summed up in one hilarious sentence.

Hat tip: Legal Insurrection.


  1. But don't you see, if everyone is forced to have health insurance plans like mine, they won't be blind-sided by $200 charges for "a few extra blood tests" that their GP feels are very very important. Which is why I am so happy....

    Oh wait a minute, I did just get blind-sided by $200 in unexpected, unbudgeted, unbudgetable* charges for bloodwork. My bad.

    So there really are only two options: abolish Medicaid, Medicare, and all Federal price controls (all Federal intervention into health, pharmaceuticals, and science, really), and let the market reduce prices, or
    state-level single-payer programs a la that one country to the north (the one with all the smart people ... can't member what iss callded).

    These approaches could always be combined. (Of course, if you did promote state level health care while criticizing Federal health care, everyone who doesn't care about the constitution will call you a hypocrite. In other words, pretty much everyone will call you a hypocrite.)

    * It's funny how nobody even complains that the system can't tell you how much you'll be charged. I doubt that would even be a legal contract 100 years ago. "Yes, well, I'm suing to recover damages, because that client, whose problem I didn't fix, says he can't pay, because a bunch of commie regulations forced me to charge him fifteen times the market price for the service I sort-of provided for him. Make him pay, your honor!"


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