Monday, September 3, 2012

Tails* from the Empty Chair

This chair tells tales, of when the President came to visit.  As you would expect, security was a snap here inside the Camp Borepatch secure perimeter.

But that's not where the tale ends, it's where it starts.  As it turns out, the Presidential Chair was soon occupied  by a smarter tail.

And before you object to his Constitutional qualifications let me just say that while he was never the President of Harvard Law Review, he is native Georgian born and bred (literally).  And he has papers to prove it.

Alas, the chair seems to be not so comfortable and so Wolfgang was soon off to find another place to rest his tail - much like the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

And thus ends our tail of the empty chair.

* Artistic license.  I only feel the need to point it out after being chastised for poor spelling earlier ...  ;-)

1 comment:

  1. I like the new member of the family.

    I have thoroughly enjoyed the empty chair posts today.


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