Friday, September 21, 2012

Quote of the Day - one last chance edition

Scott Rasmussen brings it:
Establishment Republicans in Washington broadly share the Democrats' view that the government should manage the economy. They may favor a somewhat more pro-business set of policies than their Democratic colleagues, but they still act as if government policy is the starting point for all economic activity.

Republican voters reject this view. They are more interested in promoting free market competition rather than handing out favors to big business. They detest corporate welfare and government bailouts, even though their party leaders support them.


If Romney loses in November, the Republican base will no longer buy the electability argument for an establishment candidate. From the view of the base, the elites will have given away an eminently winnable election. Someone new, from outside of Washington, will be the party's nominee in 2016.


If he wins the White House, the only way for Romney to succeed will be to side with the nation's voters and throw out the club in Washington.
Yup.  The GOP will join the Whigs if they let this one get away by chasing their too-comfortable inside the beltway plans.  The interesting question, though, is just how much does Mitt Romney owe the Republican Establishment?  I haven't heard much about this.  Quite frankly, I don't remember them doing much for him when he was running for Governor of Massachusetts, and they didn't do anything for him in 2008 either.


  1. For all the "Mitt has no desire for this job, it's just his turn" meme the Dems are trying to cook up - and that's at least the GOP's fault by half, by running things that way since the Gipper rode out of town - I don't see Mitt that way at all. He's spent a lot of time outside the Beltway, and outside of politics in general. I think he's got more of a feel for the public at large than, say, Chris Christie does.

  2. I think there's greater than a 50% chance that Romney will really try and geld "the establishment". That's what I'm betting on.

  3. Romney seems to be uncomfortable in the larger venues, from the little I've seen of him in smaller venues he seems to be more relaxed. Dunno.

    After seeing watching his Uncommon Knowledge appearance, Paul Ryan seems to have a much better grasp of economics and an ability to articulate it, which only makes his voting record that much more difficult to understand.

    Once again, I fear I'm stuck voting against someone rather than voting FOR someone.

  4. Romney strikes me as an excellent manager and turnaround executive. I don't think it's in his personality to be as combative as most ordinary conservatives want him to be toward BHO.

    I have to wonder if there isn't a streak in current-day Mormons that strongly encourages keeping low profiles and seeking resolution to issues through low-key ways. The origins of LDS had plenty of colorful characters, starting right off with Joseph Smith, and as a result they were nearly exterminated before the move to Deseret/Utah, and even afterward.

    I am probably getting the history garbled, but I think Mormons survived the 19th century by turning in upon themselves and working hard to be good neighbors to the non-Mormons around them.

    They don't pick fights, and that might end up costing Romney the election.

    Me, I want to see him elected because the alternative is simply too horrible. However, I really do worry that he's too mild-mannered to win.

    But whatever the outcome November 6th, it's absolutely essential for conservatives to tea-party the longstanding GOP establishment out of existence.

  5. If Romney loses in November, the electability of establishment Republicans is going to be the least of our worries.
    Obama will kill what is left of the American economy and take the rest of the world down with it.
    Vote early and vote often.


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