Saturday, September 1, 2012

Lovely Spam, wonderful spam

Holy cow, you need to be careful picking post titles.  I'm getting ~ 100 spam comments a day on my post The Democrats' War on Women.

I've closed comments on that post (neat new feature, Blogger team!) because it doesn't look like I'm getting any real comments.  Unless I have a bunch of readers in Russia ...

Die screaming in a fire, spammers.

On a lighter note, it seems that Wolfgang is a classical music lover.  The 99-songs-for-99-cents that I bought a month or two back has soothed the savage beast.  Not that he's savage, but he'll plop right down and snooze off, and these songs go on for ten hours.  Cool.

It also seems that he doesn't care for salsa music.  Okay, then.


  1. Where do you close comments at, Ted?

  2. Think I found it. "Don't allow, show existing," is that it?

  3. Bob, in the new Blogger interface you go into edit for the post, and then select Options on the right hand side (below where you pick tags and schedule posts).

    There's a set of comment options which you can select per post. Nice feature.

  4. I must be doing it wrong; haven't had a spam comment in months. Either that, or I'm not using any Progressive buzzwords in my titles & tags.

    Not sayin' I mind, though.

  5. LOL, good maybe they'll leave me alone!


Remember your manners when you post. Anonymous comments are not allowed because of the plague of spam comments.