Saturday, September 29, 2012

Actually, this is why I can't watch TV*

Hijinks Ensue is a very funny geek cartoon.  What's funny is not the "hover the mouse over the comic for more funny stuff" (although they have that too), but it looks like there's a blog post for each strip.  Here's the entry for this one.

Warning: the language tends to the PG-13, although nothing that you wouldn't hear every session on X-Box 360.  The one where the D&D party gets into the wrong dungeon room because they were using the iOS 6 mapping app is very funny, although probably NSFW.  And the parent Dalek talking to the young Dalek at bedtime about whether Dr. Who is in the closet is very clever and entirely SFW.

* Actually, it's why I can't read fiction, either.


  1. You can't watch TV because people make fun of it? Or is it because because it deserves to be made fun of? (I suspect the latter.)

  2. I have a hard time even watching the History channel anymore, ever since "reality TV" oozed its filthy way in. As for the popular "shows" on today, they pretty much all suck. Watched one episode of "Evolution", and am left feeling pretty much the same as the dude in the comic. WTF? Bollywood sux these days.

    Fiction isn't much better. Editing standards are no longer taught, apparently, and that little "spellcheck" button in Word? Yeah....try using it every now and then! There are a few authors that I'm loyal to, but for the most part, I stick to history.

  3. "The laws of physics went crazy" translates to "liberal arts grads who never got that complicated 'science' thing are writing the show."


  4. TeeVee?
    Watch it?
    For what reason please tell me?

  5. TeeVee?
    Watch it?
    For what reason please tell me?

  6. I am laughing my head off at everyone having those geek spasms about "Revolution". The central premise of the show is that things don't work, and there is no known reason why, and it should not be that way.

    People freaking out about that is like people freaking out that Superman does not have the proper amount of thrust and lift to overcome drag...

  7. Yep...and, in the Revolution world, shooting a guy in the chest with a freaking CROSSBOW will cause him to fly ten feet backwards!!!

    I F*^#ing LOVE this show!!!
    Funniest garbage I've seen on TV in years!!!


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