Friday, September 28, 2012

1200 calories

That's my daily dietary allowance.  I'm one of those people that never had to diet, blessed with a metabolism that kept me a trim six foot and 185 pounds.  Then over the last few years I started gaining three pounds a year.  Living in Austin didn't help, since cooking for one tends to mean bigger portions and fattier what the heck recipes.

And so I've found myself with an unflattering spare tire, coming into the holiday season.  And so it's time to eat less and exercise more.

But dang, it's not much fun.  I haven't looked at the scale this week, figuring that it will take a while to really kick in.  Probably won't look for another week.  Then we'll see.

But yeah - the body isn't used to this, and they keep the break room at work stocked with cookies and candy and pretty much everything that I shouldn't touch.  So far, will power has been working.  Musn't grumble, I guess.

Dang, I want a pizza ...


  1. On my last visit to the Doctor I was told I'm borderline diabetic. I can lose weight or I can take pills. So now I'm walking every day. Candy, cookies, high test soda and other good stuff is a thing of the past. Potatoes, white rice, white bread are in the past. I hate it. HATE it, but I'm down about 15 pounds. Oh, well. Getting old sucks.

  2. Nuts.

    I mean it. Keep some nuts on hand - peanuts, almonds, cashews, whatever you like - and munch on a few when you're craving sugar or starch. Nuts are mostly protein and very little carbohydrate, so even the fats don't contribute as much to your waistline as a Twinkie would. Plus some nuts like almonds, walnuts, and Brazil nuts have good fats like omega-3.

  3. BP- did you OK that calorie count with your doctor? For most men, 1200cals isn't enough to maintain your metabolism at it's normal rate- if you cut below your metabolic daily minimum, you'll trigger pre-estivation, which will sap your energy level and slow the rate at which you burn calories. In all honesty, 1400-1500 calories would be a healthier daily rate, coupled with a daily walk at a minimum,and even that is pushing it if your regular intake has been 3,000 kcal/day.

    Good for you, though, getting on top of things. Just please be careful with your calorie count. As we battle anno domini, any extreme is bad for yu.

  4. Try low-carb, Atkins or the like. Throw in some weight training. So far, I'm down 45 lbs since last January, and I'm seldom hungry.

    I do miss bread, though.

  5. Been there, done that, for 40 lbs. Could stand to lose another 10. It was hard, had to decide to just be hungry and live with it.

  6. Good Luck.

    I find the response to hunger to be the hardest part. As you know, I'm down 20, and still going.

  7. So few calories is a horrible idea for most women. I can't imagine it's a good idea for a man. If you concentrate on a few basic things--chief among them being 'don't drink your calories--you'll probably do quite well. Read labels & don't buy anything with added sugar and things will be even smoother.

  8. Go for it man! I've lost 21 lbs in 10 weeks and I eat over 1800 calories a day. Of course I burn off around 4800 calories a week now with exercise.

    It's the Westmorland Attrition Diet. I imagine calories are Viet Cong and exercise is my M60.


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