Wednesday, August 15, 2012

This is the first thing that I've seen that makes me like Romney/Ryan

Rush unloads on the GOP establishment:
There are two stories out today, one from and the other from Politico. They essentially say the same thing. The Hill: "Republicans strategists are worried that Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) addition to the presidential ticket will cost their party House and Senate seats this fall. Their concern: Democrats will successfully demonize Ryan’s budget plan, which contains controversial spending cuts and changes to Medicare."


But they're really not worried that he's going to cause us to lose the Senate, and they're really not worried that he's going to cause us to lose the House. What they're worried about is that the conservative wing of the party is going to be able to lay claim to victory here. And that they -- these unnamed establishment Republican consultants and what have you, they -- are the ones who are going to lose their positions of power and influence because they aren't on board with this.
The Dinosaurs sniff a change on the breeze, and roar their (anonymous) defiance.
Why do they not understand it's Obama and the Democrats who are the opposition? What's in it for them for the Democrats to win? And when you answer that question, then you'll have an idea what's going on. What's in it for these Republicans for the Democrats to win? And make no mistake: There are Republicans happy to be losers if it keeps them in the money and in positions of power in a second-tier party, as opposed to out of power in a first-tier party.
You might almost think that this is the Peter Principle in action, working hand in hand with a MSM that is the embodiment of the Peter Principle in action, feeding inside baseball to each other while the Republic burns.  It may all end in ash and tears, but at least the money's good, right?

The Romney/Ryan camp seems to be making the right enemies.  I don't mean the Democrats, I mean the too cozy Republicans.  Sure, there's still a ton not to like about Mittens, but this is the first "green shoot" that I've seen in some time.

1 comment:

  1. The "strategists" are worried that a WIN might put them out of a cushy job strategerizing. Boo-f*ing-Hoo.


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